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What is Brow Artistry?


Brow Artistry is an 'art form' performed on the eyebrow using a number of techniques and principles. 

True Brow Artistry creates beautifully soft, sophisticated and elegant lines whilst allowing the full potential of the brow to flourish. Brow Artistry is seeing and creating the beauty in each individual brow and using real artistic talents to follow through with the design.


As a true artist, the 'brow artist' has the foresight to envision the most incredible brow and is able to create it using free hand skill, knowledge and dedication, lifting and shaping the brow to perfectly enhance its features.


In cases where the brows have become too thin due to a variety of reasons, it can take time to build and create amazing eyebrows. It is about allowing that time for brows to recover whilst still creating and heading towards the ultimate brow.


Brow Artists International, through which I am accredited, are an elite group of Master Brow Artists who are highly skilled and trained in Brow Artistry, together with an eye for design.


There are no quick fixes; it's not a simple wax or tweeze or a quick brow tidy. Brow Artistry is much more than that.


True Brow Artistry is the use of real skill and real knowledge to transform a woman's appearance and create brows that are beautiful to the eye.

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